Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Life of the Buddha

It was a pleasant surprise to see the scultures all around the Tibetan compound in Lumbini . Life of the Buddha was summerised & depicted in the garden !

Queen Maya had a dream
A prince was born in Lumbini Garden .

The prince walked 7 steps at birth, announcing this is the last birth.
Prince Siddharta grown up to be a fine young man, a good archer too.
At the gate
Great Renunciation
self- motification
Fighting off Maras , on the way to Supreme bliss of Enlightenment

First turning of the Wheel of Dhamma after enlightenment

Spent his life teaching the Dhamma
Sadhu to the Tibetan temple for this educational scultures in the garden .

Monday, January 9, 2012

Kushinagar - Mahaparinibbana

It was in Vaishali that the Buddha annouced that He would be passing away soon , in the North .  King Ashoka was sad that he missed the chance to be alive during the Buddha's time when he found Vaishali .
The Stupa &  the Ashoka Pillar with a lion capital sadly watched the North .
Three months later, the Buddha passed away into Mahaparinibbana under two Sala trees in Kushinagar.
The two Sala trees , under which the Buddha reclined & passed into Mahaparinibbana

The Mahaparinibbana is depicted in this temple , the Buddha reclining in position with his head facing North.

the reclining Mahaparinibbana Buddha

After the passing away, the Buddha was cremated not too far away from the place he passed away .
the Cremation stupa to commemorate the cremation spot.
This is Kushinagar , the place where the Buddha passed away .

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First Sermon - Sarnath

After the Supreme enlightenment, the Buddha first showed his appearance to the 5 ascetics in Sarnath . A stupa has been built to commemorate the spot where they saw the Buddha coming .

This is the Chaukhandhi Stupa .

After that , the Buddha turned the wheel of Dhamma at another spot. A stupa was also built to commemorate this place . It is the Dhamekh Stupa .

This was built at Mulgandha kutty vihara to commemorate the turning of Wheel of Dhamma - the Dhamma cakkapavatthana Sutta .

The Buddha then stayed here in the Deer Park for some years teaching the Dhamma .

The Mulghandhakutty vihara .

Dhammarajika kutty ruins

Thanks to King Ashoka who found the site and erected such pillars to mark the place.

Sarnath - the place where the Buddha gave His first sermon is well remembered .

The Enlightenment at Bodhgaya

Bodhgaya , a 'small'  but busy  town , is the place where the Buddha gained enlightenment .  Thousands of people visited this place daily .

The most important place to visit here in Bodhgaya is the Mahabodhi Mahavihara .

 It is a temple built to commemorate the place where the Buddha gained enlightenment . The temple faces East . This is the frontal view.

The south side of the vihara  .

The north side of the temple is where the Buddha paced for 7 days after the Enlightenment ( second week ).

The most important object - the Bodhi tree -  is behind the temple. The Diamond Throne just next to the tree is the actual spot where the Buddha gained the supreme enlightenment .

The first week after Enlightenment , Buddha sat in meditation here on this diamond throne . Then the second week , He gazed the Bodhi tree in gratitude for a week from another spot .

The fourth week when Buddha contemplated on the Abhidhamma .....

A lake has been built at the spot where the serpent king sheltered the Buddha , on the sixth week after the enlightenment .

King Ashoka erected a pillar to commemorate what he found in Bodhgaya . 
 As we entered the Mahabodhi Mahavihara , we will see this magnificent Buddha ruppa in the main shrine .

Bodhgaya - the most sacred place is unique in its own . A different experience .

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The birth place of Prince Siddharta

King Ashoka discovered & marked this place as Lumbini Garden , the birth place of  Prince Siddharta Gautama.

Here's the Gate to Lumbini Garden.

The Maya Devi Temple which enshrined the exact spot of the birth . Too bad that no photography is allowed inside. The marker stone placed by King Ashoka is now protected by a layer of bullet proved glass shield.

The Ashoka Pillar which landmarked the place .

 The inscription on the Pillar can still be read , vaguely.

 The pond that Queen Maya dipped in before the birth of the Prince.

The Bodhi tree which was said to have grown at the same time .


Lumbini Garden is now under the care of world heritage .