Wednesday, December 28, 2011


With much worries, fears, I went on a journey to India tracing the footsteps of the Buddha.India was a colourful , mysterious place to me.

Nevertheless, I prepared myself physically and mentally before going on the trip, to face whatever circumstances to come .

Everything was fine at the starting point. Our flight departed on schedule and I found myself landed in the chaotic Delhi , Dec 2011 .

The airport gave not too bad a first impression of India. I learned from friend that the airport has improved so much compared to 5 years ago.
Nice interior decoration @ arrival hall ,Delhi Airport .

However, as we moved away from the airport, the surrounding gave a different view . Each day as we moved from town to town, place to place , we found different words to describe her .........

Unmistakably India .........
Snake charmer by the roadside

Fascinating  India ......
Dawn @ Holy Gangga , Varanasi

Incredible India .......
Trishaws outside Mughal Sarai Railway Station

Typically  Indian ........
Shaving service

even disgustingly .........
Indian men urinating everywhere , anytime, even on busy streets.

Before we started on the journey following the Buddha's footprint, we visited the  Taj Mahal &  the Ganges River at Varanasi . However , these places didn't make much impact on us , surprisingly .

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