Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Hurriedly walked through Shanghai city in three days .......

The Bund at night

Looking at the Bund from the boat

That is the Bund in Shanghai. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Red Square Moscow

Finally visited the iconic Red Square of Moscow this summer !

It is not very big in area , but the buildings surrounding the Red Square is made iconic to the world, probably by Hollywood.... ..It is a rectangular apace actually , surrounded at one side by the famous St Basil's Cathedral, adjacently by the State Historical Museum; another two sides being the Kremlin wall with Lenin Maosoleum , and the grey colour  State Departmental Store GUM .

Entering from the Surrection Gate , Kazan Cathedral which is a small building is on the left after the gate.
Let's take one round at the Red Square with this video clip :

The St Basil Cathedral is the most iconic of Red Square or maybe of Moscow , and the red wall of Kremlin always raise curiousity of the world as depicts by the Hollywood. 

Enjoy it .

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A book from Dr Porntip

Heard about this book by Dr Porntip of Thailand a couple of months ago , and was waiting to get a copy.

First saw Dr Porntip on TV when we were in Bangkok , Dec 2004 , just before the Tsunami. I was captivated by her . She was not pretty . With her punky hairstyle, coloured hair, rugged style , she was outstanding in a group of medical personels and police. She was different !

That was a first time I thought : who said a doctor must be dull ? She is fashionably advance ! And she is not just a doctor , she is a forensic pathologist ! She works like those in CSI !

So when I read about this book, I know I must get it. And of course I did .

This book sheds light on her career, and difficulties she faced in setting up a proper Forensic team in Thailand . She was courageous as a female in the male dominated society.

And of course , she is a Buddhist and keeping in mind the Buddha's teachings as she said.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Chetawan Thai Temple, PJ

It is the mid -year day........almost , and it is a beautiful Sunday !

I started this sunny day with a temple visit - a visit to the Chetawan Thai Buddhist Temple in PJ.
The main shrine

The sky was so blue ....

Then I visited Ikea to get something for the house.

Had curry noodles for lunch.

3pm, went for a movie ....." Snow White & the huntsman " , quite enjoyable.

Dinner at home .

At night, record this to mark this day - the mid-year day of 2012 ! A peaceful day to remember .

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Gibb Brothers

Another brother of  the famous Gibb brothers .....The Bee Gees died today. Now left only the surviving eldest brother Barry .

Not forgetting also their youngest brother , Andy Gibb who died young in 1988 .

Robin Gibb dies.....

It's sad to hear the news ....another 1 / 3 of the Bee Gees died today. Seems like our idol days are numbered too .

In 2003 , his twin brother Maurice passed away , and left the 2 / 3 of Bee Gees behind .

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Tried 2 desserts @ Zen Q today .

First was this soya based shovel ice topped with barley grains, green peas & sweet potatoes , glazed with creamer. 

The topping ingredients are soft , and the soya bean not too sweet. 

Next , we had the Mango shovel ice topped with a scoop of icecream. 

The syrup in ice is sweeter , but the slightly sour mango compliments it. 

These two were on Parents'  Day promotion , and it cost only RM 9.90 for two . Value buy .

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Quick cooking breakfast

Watched this recipe being prepared on TV yesterday . Tried it out this morning .

First, the ingredients :
2 slices of bread , I used wholemeal bread this morning.
2 eggs
250 ml milk   &
some raisins pre soaked in wine     

Beat the eggs , add in milk, mix well.
Cut the bread into six equal squares.

Put cut bread into the egg mixture , let soak for a few seconds.
Heat up non -stick pan , melt a little bit of butter over slow flame.
Pour out the egg mixture into the pan, but not the bread. Cover.
When egg mixture partially set, arrange the bread  onto the mixture. Cover & cook for a few seconds.
Top with the drained raisins. Cover & continue to cook for a few minutes , till the egg mixture is cooked.

The cooking takes only about 12 - 15 minutes.
Sprinkle some pepper & garlic powder on it , Remove from stove.
Serve on plate like this.

The taste ?
The soaked bread gave a thick texture , soft, rich in taste with the base omelette.
Quick to cook , not bad for breakfast, a change from the normal French toast.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Tiger Mom

I am of course late in reading & writing about this topic. Very late in fact. It was nearly two years since this book made headlines globally. My daughter read the comments and pressed that I write something about it .

Well, at that time , firstly I have not read the book; secondly, even if I have read it, I was thinking why should I responded to it ? Of course I should feel  ' honored ' that my daughter strongly disagreed that Asian mothers are stereotype as the Tiger Mom .

However, I was surprised that I was emotional when reading it, at least the first half portion of the book. When I read about Lulu, I thought about my only daughter who has quite similar temper as Lulu. When I read about the two girls' practise schedule, I was thinking what would happen to my girl if I did that ?

My girl started learning music before she turned 4. I accompanied her through the two years fundamental music. I noticed that she enjoyed music , but no private tutors would take her in individual piano classes until she was almost 6. Then she started individual piano lessons , with music theory.

We had hard time getting her to complete the theory homework sometimes. However she listened and played the music pieces alright . So, we continued the lessons and took the teacher's advice to enter her in music exams, the ABRSM.

The exam pieces practices bored her. I have not pushed her into long hour practising, like what the Tiger Mom did. In fact, I told the teacher that I want her to enjoy music , and it did not matter much if she did not sit for examination.

Now, 20 years later, this book made me wonder whether it would be different if I had pushed her hard like the Tiger Mom ? However, she actually improved excellently after I allowed her to skip examinations. The teacher acknowledged that and would always use her as an example to tell other parents.

As for my second child, my son, I put him through the same fundamental music programme the sisiter went . Accompanied him through the two years, then started him on individual class, walked exactly the same path the sister walked. However, he would be so miserable sitting in front of the piano each week.

After two years, I agreed to stop the individual piano lessons for him , but I was not giving up yet. I signed him up for a different approach in music- a ' play by ear ' program. I was still hoping that he would grow to love the keyboard. No, he did not and we stopped music lessons completely for him.

Then, when he was 18, he asked to pick up guitar lessons, I delightedly sent him to one. Even though that was only for a short term , he did well. He may not have the talent in musical instrument, and we were lucky not to kill his interest in music at least.

So, I actually think the way the Tiger Mom made her daughters practised was  'unthinkable' , even though the results she got was undoubtedly excellent. What her daughters commented about her were true.

As for me, my children's childhood was priority and I do not regret that she does not have the highest degree in music. I know that she plays the piano well,  she still enjoys music , and music brings her happiness.
That matters !

Monday, March 26, 2012

Bacon & egg Pie - tested .

Liked Donna Hay's simplified recipes. Tried out this bacon recipe , it's quick, simple & easy .

Prepared 4 pie cups, bacon strips, egg , sour cream & dried parsley . Also prepared fresh green lettuce, cucumber & cherry tomatoes.

Firstly, line the pie cups with strips of bacon. Beat egg & sour cream till well mixed.

Pour egg mixture into bacon-lined pie cups. Fill up to 3/4 full  . Sprinkle with dried parsley.

Bake in pre-heated oven at 160 degrees C , for about 20 minutes or untill egg mixture set.

Voila.....the delicious pies are ready , most importantly , in about 25 minutes only.

Cut open in the center, the texture of the baked pie is deliciously nice.

Served as breakfast with fresh lettuce, cherry tomatoes & sliced cucumber , making it a healthy breakfast menu.

Thanks to Donna Hay's recipes ...... quick, simple & easy , delicious too !

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Quick & easy stir-fried pasta

It took me just about 15 minutes to prepare this dish .

Ingredients :
minced meat  , 1/2 tomato ( cubed ), 1/2 onion ( cubed ), 1 tbsp butter, a bit of cooking oil,  pinch of salt, herbs ( oregano, basil & parsley ), pinch of garlic powder , fresh lettuce, and of course 1 share of pasta ( here I used angel hair which is fast to cook ) .

1. Heat up water in pot, boil pasta . Add salt to water. Boil till pasta turn soft . Toss & leave aside.
2. Heat up frying pan, melt butter , Add oil, stir fry cubed onions & tomatoes. 
3. Add in minced meat . Stir-fry. 
4. Flavour with salt, pepper & garlic powder. 
5. Pour in the tossed pasta, stir & mix well.
6. Sprinkle with garlic powder, basil, oregano & parsley. 
7. Served with fresh lettuce. 

Voila.....all these can be done within 15 mins.  

Simple meals

These days, I am making my cooking as simple as possible.

One day , I make this meal for dinner .... pork chop , grilled pumpkin &french beans.
 The pumpkin taste better than potatoes in this case.
On top of that, I add in a bowl of salad .
Salad of cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, capsicum , sunflower seeds , & raisins.
Simple , balanced diet. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

second round of steam bread

The same recipe - Nutritious Steam Bread , second round.

First , mix the dough , add in the nuts & fruits (( walnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame , wolfberry & raisins ).  Knead for 2 minutes . Leave in bowl to rise.

After 30 minutes ,

Weigh about 30g each into round balls , place onto paper cups, leave to rise for another 30 minutes.

Prepare the steamer , let water boils. Then place the dough in . Steam for about 10 -12 minutes.

Voila ...... here's the steam bread .

The texture inside looks like this :

This is good for breakfast , nutritious & delicious.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tapis Rouge

So, we have seen Tapis Rouge's menu .

Tapis Rouge is in Kota Damansara. The setting where it was located was in fact quite nice , except for the construction crane, which is even taller than the place , standing at the background.

The open entrance of the Tapis Rouge has a bar , facing the fountain outside at the walkway.
Now, Tapis Rouge ,owned by the famous Puteri Ledang actress Datin Tiara Jacqueline, was not just a restaurant . She has a team of dancers & entertainers , called the young Kick-kat dancers.
So, the evening's birthday celebration was arranged with entertainment .

The emcee of the Cabaret night was a young stand-up comedian . Of course he made some fun at our politicians.
And the guests were all kept entertained .
 As we left the place late at night , Tapis Rouge was still brightly lit up.

A different kind of birthday celebration

Attended a 60th birthday celebration, a Dragon birthday in this Dragon year.

It was at this place called Tapis Rouge in Kota Damansara , a place we were totally not familiar with. No difficulty to find the place. Pleasant surroundings.

 We were greeted with free flow of champainge , wine , fruit punch &  finger food .
All guests were requested to take individual photos before the actual dinner began . Cabaret accessaries were provided for the fun . Photos were printed out on the spot , and guests were given a copy to take home , together with a souvenir photo frame .

At 8pm, we were ushered into the restaurant, seated and dinner was served . Guests were informed that there would be a Part II after the dinner .

The interior , near the bar .
The emcee for the Part I - dinner time .
 This is the menu for the occasion ...
So , here's the starter ...
The thinly sliced smoked salmon is quite nice .
Next, came the pasta....... 
One plate came nicely sprinkled with herbs, another came sparingly sprinkled. 
The main course was a choice between beef or cod fish , which guests had to decide days earlier . We chose fish , and it was nicely cooked.

Lastly , the dessert. It was not chilled nor hot, but slightly warmed. The sago water chestnut in santan was rich in taste, a bit too sweet for me .
So, Part I ended with the host's speech , before the cutting of the birthday cake.
We adjourned to another lounge behind for the cake cutting ceremony. 
The Dragon Birthday Cake
The host family
This wrapped up the Part I celebration and guests were entertained for an hour of Cabaret at the Tapis Rouge. ..... ( to be contuinued )